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The Guardians of the Shadows

Ailionora Flidais and the Captain of The Guardians of the Shadows.

As darkness fell Edmund Tressach led the company on through deep gorges cut between high rock-faces with steep drops, knowing that very soon he would have to confront the Guardians of the Shadows. They were the powerful and fearless soldiers of Ailionora Flidais, the goddess of the forests, woodlands and wild creatures and mother of the Elfin Queen. Many thought that the Guardians of the Shadows were elvish, because their attire also changed colour to match the background wherever they were, but the Guardians could also change their appearance and become invisible although, unlike the elves they couldn’t, or wouldn’t, shrink in size.

Encircled by mist Edmund and his company continued on their journey through the forest in the dead of night, singing songs of the ancient times and occasionally stopping to eat and drink. From the depths of the forest they were joined by envoys from the Acorn fairies and Wodewoses carrying white lamps to light their way. Animals of many species were also represented: Ardal the bear and Conaire the wolf were there, and Brock the badger, Gaith the fox and Odhran the otter. Oisin, the lord of the deer, had come; proud and strong with two massive branches of antlers on his majestic head. Circling above were the buzzards and red kites, watching the approaching groups as they joined the procession. Owls perched in their huge tree homes, throughout the forest, made sure that Edmund led his company along the right paths in the direction of the agreed meeting place.

The path seemed to narrow and slope downward, and it just kept going until the gnarled trees on either side bent over and intertwined. Many in the company thought that they were going underground into a never-ending deep dark tunnel. Luchaidh, the high elf, steered his white stallion alongside Edmund and whispered "My friend, we draw near to the tower of the Goddess, who I have not seen for an age. Should we be wary?"

Edmund smiled at Luchaidh. "You are one of the revered high elves and you fear no one. Why should you be wary of the Elfin Queen's mother? After all, the Guardians of the Shadows have been watching our approach for the last ten miles. Anyway, I have brought her a present from their majesties which, hopefully, will please Ailionora."

Then Edmund stopped and the company halted. "My friends, where we are going now you will have no need for weapons, so keep your swords in their sheaths and your arrows in their quivers. They will be of no use to you anyway, because we are about to be taken, whether we like it or not, to have an audience with a power far greater than any among us. The Lady Ailionora Flidais awaits our arrival. Only speak when you are spoken to, and that includes you Randolph, Busy and Arthur."

Edmund finished speaking and the company moved on again. They turned a corner and there in front of them was an immense edifice of sheer black and grey stone and rock, and it seemed to rise out of the ground and ascend forever into the black sky. In the dead of night, with the mist around it, the great tower looked mysterious and unearthly. (It didn't look any more inviting during the light of day). The colossal black Iron Gate was closed, and beyond it was a bridge, like the Greenwood castle bridge, that spanned a gorge so deep that not even the elves could see the bottom in the darkness. At the other end of the bridge was the tower itself, with huge wood and iron doors. There were hundreds of windows, and many were lit from the inside, so someone was at home………..

"My lords Tressach and Luchaidh, and all other lords and ladies present" said a very deep and unearthly voice from the other side of the black Iron Gate. "I am a servant of the Lady Ailionora Flidais. Will you and your company follow me?"

Edmund's eyesight was very good, like all elves, but even he couldn't see whoever was speaking. Anyway, he thought it only polite to reply. "Kind servant of the lady, we will do your bidding."

Suddenly the black gate opened and many huge ghostly shapes appeared from either side of the path, and they moved across the bridge as if they were gliding.

"These Guardians of the Shadows are more frightening than swamp ghouls if you ask me" Arthur the Acorn fairy whispered in Edmund's left ear, at exactly the same time as Busy the bumblebee whispered in Edmund's right ear "These Guardians of the Shadows are more frightening than swamp ghouls if you ask me."

Edmund sighed. "Well I didn’t ask you two, and whose bright idea was it to send you on this journey anyway?"

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